Phil Brown is a Trainer / Coach in Youth / Student Ministry in partnership with:

1) Reach Out Youth Solution's Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry(Church strategy),

2) First Priority of America (Campus & City strategy), and the

3) First Priority Global (International strategy).

 Why is this ministry so important?

1. 80% of teenagers have never been to church

2. Less than 4% of the present generation of teens claim to be
​ born-again Christians

3. Yet 80% of those that get saved every day are teenagers

4. And the #1 influence on a teenager is a peer

5. Therefore, since we are not reaching this generation for Christ, and they are
​ not coming to us for answers, we must go where they are to win them to
​Christ…the public school Campus

6. This makes the Middle School, Jr. High School, & Sr. High School the biggest
Mission Field in America & around the world

​7. And we already have Missionaries there...our Christian teens

 8. So we must unite Youth Leaders to equip & empower these
​ Campus Missionaries to fulfill the Great Commission!

It all starts with a transformed life... 

that comes from a relationship with our Creator 

which is available to every human on the planet!

If you have never experienced

true happiness (joy), 

arealsense of purpose in life (peace), 

and a 

confidence of spending eternity in Heaven (assurance), 

then start by clicking here...

Conecta con Dios...haga clic aqui...

To read my latest Blog & Other Bible Studies, go here!

Phil Brown  

Phil (1:20) 



​Trainer &


Phil (1:20)  Brown

It is my deep desire and hope that I will never fail my Lord, and that at all times, but especially right now, that I will be full of courage, so that Christ will be exalted in my whole being,

in everything I do or say, whether I live or die.  Philippians 1:20